Saturday, August 2, 2008

I'm into something new

I recently took a short course on digital scrapbooking and fell in love with a new *hobby*! I've been long admiring what some creative people can do with some software and their computer...and I had to jump in. I'm still so new at it and the learning curve is high, but it's so fun. I've also found some really terrific sites on the web that are very helpful if you're! Here's a fav:
She has great tutorials! And a giveaway.

I will post some of my work soon, as one of my issues is learning how to upload the page...that wasn't covered in class! I also have requested some materials from the library, so the problem should be solved soon:)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Peggy - thanks for the mention - I have a special gift for you - a two month membership into my online digital scrapbooking classes at - email me your contact information and i will get your account setup!

have a great week! :)